- a comedy short -

“We’ve read the script and think it’s got a lot of promise.” - The First Official

“A comedy always stands out from the pack, even one as threadbare as yours” - The Second Official

“Truly Magnificent!” - The Receptionist

   PLAY TRAILER   >>>Play_Trailer.html

“It seems a bit unorthodox to approve a film submission so quickly. However, your film so aptly promotes reason, critical thinking and freedom of inquiry - the very purpose of the film festival. The decision was truly a ‘no-brainer’.”

                                                         - International Free Thought Film Festival

“FU(ND) THIS! is a really brilliantly done comedic short and we assure you that’s something we don’t see too often. We know our audience will love it.”

                                                                            - Leeds International Film Festival

                                                            (BEST BRITISH SHORT Award Nomination)

“Great film!”

                              - Portobello Film Festival

(BEST COMEDY SHORT Award Nomination)